
Sample survey

Academy of Environmental Sciences
8th Grade Literature
Gang Analysis Survey
Administered by: Group Members Names

1. Have you ever considered joining a gang?



2. What reasons do you think lead people to join gangs?
(Check all that apply)
___Peer Pressure



Here is Tookies apology from the website

The Apology

Twenty-five years ago when I created the Crips youth gang with Raymond Lee Washington in South Central Los Angeles, I never imagined Crips membership would one day spread throughout California, would spread to much of the rest of the nation and to cities in South Africa, where Crips copycat gangs have formed. I also didn't expect the Crips to end up ruining the lives of so many young people, especially young black men who have hurt other young black men.
Raymond was murdered in 1979. But if he were here, I believe he would be as troubled as I am by the Crips legacy.
So today I apologize to you all -- the children of America and South Africa -- who must cope every day with dangerous street gangs. I no longer participate in the so-called gangster lifestyle, and I deeply regret that I ever did.
As a contribution to the struggle to end child-on-child brutality and black-on-black brutality, I have written the Tookie Speaks Out Against Gang Violence children's book series. My goal is to reach as many young minds as possible to warn you about the perils of a gang lifestyle.
I am no longer "dys-educated" (disease educated). I am no longer part of the problem. Thanks to the Almighty, I am no longer sleepwalking through life.
I pray that one day my apology will be accepted. I also pray that your suffering, caused by gang violence, will soon come to an end as more gang members wake up and stop hurting themselves and others.
I vow to spend the rest of my life working toward solutions.
Amani (Peace),
Stanley "Tookie" Williams, Surviving Crips Co-Founder, April 13, 1997

And this is how I feel on his apology... Answered in this question...

“Was Tookie truly sorry for his crimes and was he redeemed? How does he show in his apology that he was sorry?”

I really believe that Tookie was truly sorry in his apology because he knows that it was wrong of him to create a gang.The thing was that Tookie created grape street crips but, other people decided to follow along and make what you call "copy cat gangs". He regrets the fact that he made the CRIP gang and at the time he wrote the apology is no longer apart of the gangster life-style.As a result to him not being apart of that life-style he made a book for children called " Tookie Speaks Out Against Gang Violence " . His apology makes perfect sense because he truly knows that wat he did was wrong and speaks out so all can hear it.Tookie Williams knows that he has awoken from his sleepwalking and is very ready to change.He thanks the almighty GOD for helping him through the problem he is no longer apart of.Hopefully after his apology is accepted there won't be anymore gang violence. As far as i know around my neighborhood it's not as bad as in the 2000's.Finally although his vow to continue looking for solutions has ended because of him no longer being here. His legacy will always be remembered as TRYING his best to solve it and make the world a better place.

I believe they should have forgave him....

R.I.P (Stanley "Tookie" Williams)December 29,1953-December 13,2005


Stanley "Tookie" Williams

Do you think that mail that is sent to prisoners should be inspected by the guards??? Why or Why not...

Yes, I do because a normal criminal VS a highly trained criminal maybe different and yet not because... When in jail family members or close friends and relatives can send u a plan of escape....DRUGS if u r addicted... and illegal weapons that can b used 2 kill otha criminals...AND so to prevent it all i think its a great thing having every prisoners mail checked.


My diary

Dear Diary,

Yesterday, went by great it was pretty cool and all..... But, I just dont know what i want.